Interview of Marek Lawinski (CCCA-BTP, France)

CCCA-BTP initiated new European project aiming at designing professionalisation devices for site managers and team leaders on building renovation sites in Europe.

The RenovUp project will last from September 1st, 2020 to August 31st, 2023 (3 years) with a Erasmus+ grant of 413 987€ for the 5 partners : CCCA-BTP (France), Formedil (Italy), FLC Asturias (Spain), PEDMEDE (Greece) and Lukasiewicz (Poland).

CCCA-BTP already participated to the Erasmus+ project ConstructyVET“, Marek Lawinski, Head of CCCA-BTP International Cooperation Unit, said. “Its topic was the skills development of middle management on sites, but it didn’t take sufficiently into account the specificities of building renovation sites and their various constraints. At the same time, a true need exists and was confirmed by construction companies and trade federations, to strengthen their ability to understand and achieve diagnosis of building to be renovated, to better anticipate and plan specific actions related to the renovation of historical buildings.

The five project partners decided to work together as needs are relatively the same in the countries concerned. The project will principally have to respond to SME’s needs related to the evolution of their site managers and team leaders’ skills specifically linked to building renovation sites“, he added.

The project’s approach is singular for many reasons. The professionalisation device can be divided into 3 levels: the project will propose trainings in work situations in companies, completed by training modules in VET Centres and through e-learning. At the same time, the project is planning to built a professionalisation device for trainers, allowing them to upskill their analysis of activities and learning in work situations as well as their evaluation and recognition of learning outcomes skills. Finally, the outcomes’ validation will be done through promotion and use of “Open Badges” as an easier and flexible form of certification to implement.“, he concluded.

You may find the entire article in French on the CCCA-BTP website.