Kick Off Meeting – October 2020

The first transnational meeting of the RenovUp project was held remotely on October 9th, 2020.

The aim is to launch the project among the partners, to understand the interest of each of us for the outcomes planned and take decisions on the project implementation in order to identify mutual engagements, communication tools, quality plan and administrative arrangements.

On October 9th, 2020, the project partners met together online in order to present in details and launch officially the RenovUp project.

RenovUp is the continuity of the ConstructyVET project, within which CCCA-BTP, FLC Asturias and Formedil were involved between 2015 and 2018.

In the course of their research, they realized that there was a real need for training on the new environmental rules to be applied and respected on building renovation projects. While it is easy for new buildings to set up its rules and use the circular economy, for others, historic buildings or other buildings to be renovated, it is more difficult to combine compliance with the old and the new environmental rules. This is why they thought it would be useful to create dedicated training courses. 

For more details about the Kick Off Meeting of the RenovUp project, please upload the meeting report attached to this article.