3rd Transnational Meeting – October 2021

The 3rd Transnational Meeting of the RenovUp project was held online on October 26th and 27th, 2021.

The goal of this 3rd Transnational Meeting was to discuss about the results of the activities 1 and 2 of IO1, and to determine the further steps to take for activities 3 and 4, as well as for IO3 and IO4. It was organised as follow:

October 25th, 2021:

  • IO1 – Activities 1 and 2 : results and lessons learned, usefulness of the results;
  • IO1 – Activities 3 and 4 : work in progress, first results and potential difficulties, focus on positioning before professionalisation paths;
  • IO2 : recognition of learning outcomes (Open Badges).

October 26th, 2021:

  • IO4 : exchange of ideas on how to prepare experimental actions with the public concerned;
  • IO3 (training of trainers): first ideas and discussion;
  • IO3 and IO4 (mobility for learners and staff): national proposal to prepare for February 2022;
  • Communication strategy;
  • Evaluation of the production process.