Radom Technical Meeting – April 2022

A restricted technical meeting of the RenovUp project was held in Radom (Poland) between April 5th and 7th, 2022.

Polish and Greek partners as well as the project pilote met to settle the most pragmatic approach for the recognition of learning outcomes with Open Badges (leader: CCCA-BTP) and training of trainers/training designers (leader: Lukasiewicz ITeE).

As decided at the online technical meeting on 28 January 2022, project staffs from CCCA-BTP and Łukasiewicz-ITeE met from April 5th to April 7 at the Łukasiewicz-ITeE premises in Radom (PL). Pedmede staff participated online.

The purpose was to finalise the method for the following steps:

  • Recognition of learning outcomes of site managers and team leaders for building renovation sites (IO2), incl. potential use of Open Badges.
  • Scope, purpose, and design of transnational training scheme for teachers/trainers (IO3) enabling them to conceive and carry out trainings with site managers and team leaders concerned.

The participants have also decided to screen the outcomes produced during the restricted technical meeting held in March 2022 in Oviedo.