Closing RenovUp

The Erasmus+ RenovUp project ended last September, an opportunity for CCCA-BTP to look back at its objectives and achievements, as well as the reasons of its creation.

The project pilot CCCA-BTP organised, on June 15th, 2023 at BTP CFA Loire-Atlantique (Saint-Herblain) the closing seminar of the European project RenovUp along with the four partner organisations. This event was the opportunity to present the outcomes of the project, which aimed to support the professionalisation of site managers and team leaders on renovation sites.

In light of the environmental, climate and energy challenges the Members States of the European Union have to face, buildings renovation is of major importance. Team and site management, changes in regulations, safety standards, emergence of new materials and construction methods, they all call for the ongoing professionalisation of site managers and team leaders exercising on renovation sites. As Jacques-Olivier Hénon, Director of Training Policies and Pedagogical Innovation at CCCA-BTP, underlined “the RenovUp project was designed and launched 3 years ago in order to anticipate this evolution. Five European VET stakeholders in construction trades joined forces, co-financed by Erasmus+ : CCCA-BTP in France, FORMEDIL in Italy, FLC Asturias for Spain, Lukasiewicz ITE for Poland and PEDMEDE for Greece”.

To go further, check CCCA-BTP’s website!